Shout-out to @binzy_boi who's been suggesting lots (LOTS) of additions to the Canadian Alternatives page! Thanks!
Shout-out to @binzy_boi who's been suggesting lots (LOTS) of additions to the Canadian Alternatives page! Thanks!
It certainly is one reason.
In fact coercing EU, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand into the brutal US model was a stated goal in US trade negotiations.
>>[was going to add #UK, but Airstrip One seems too far into vassalization after #Brexit. Kind of like #Japan (aka Airstrip Two)]<<
The TPP that US bailed on included below is an example US demanded elimination of pharmaceutical cost negotiations among other onerous items.
#BuyEU #BuyAustralian
#BuyCanadian #BuyChinese
I did the thing I’m terrified, excited and feel like I’m going to vomit but…
I’ve opened my first ever online shop! It’s over on ko-fi and I’ve a goal already in mind!
As a #Canadian during this time, and as an artist, I figured now would be the time to sell my art. I have a few projects I’ve been working on, and am hoping my fellow Canadians will help me with my goals. There are 3 illustrations up for sale, and 2 added freebies as a plus! My goal is to raise enough funds to start selling my #elbowsup t-shirts!
If you ever wanted to support a small, #disabled #queer Canadian artist then nows your chance! With enough donations my hope is by the beginning of next week I’ll be able to start selling physical items. I’m really looking forward to giving you all my best artwork!
Well done fellow Canadians!! “Well, I hope you’re sitting down. For that six month period, the number of tickets booked is down anywhere from 71.4% to 75.7%.” #ElbowsUp #BuyCanadian
Airline Demand Between Canada & United States Collapses, Down 70%+ - One Mile at a Time
Searching our phones indiscriminately at the US border is something that non-Americans can easily avoid
Boycott all travel to the USA
#BuyCanadian #BuyLocal #DictatorTrump #BoycottUSA #BoycottMusk
#boycottusa #buyeuropean #buycanadian
"Still, the group chat leak underscores why a divorce may be necessary: The United States is not the reliable ally it once was, either rhetorically or practically."
"That disregard for normal security procedures will “cause allies to be very reluctant to share analysis and intelligence,” said Ben Hodges, former commander of U.S. forces in Europe. Barring major change, people “will assume America can’t be trusted.”"
#europe #boycottusa #ukraine #buyeuropean #buycanadian
What should EU do... say no to the lift of SWIFT sactions against Russia and make Trump mad, or say yes and run the risk of Putin swallowing us all alive later on? ;)
I don't know about you guys but I see lifting the SWIFT ban as a "demilitarization of EU". I don't like the idea... (and well, Trump is mad all the time anyway :D)
Read the article:
US Road Trip Destinations Seeing Signs of Canadians Staying Away
@cira For your "Shop Local, Support Local" initiative, I've been maintaining a list of Canadian alternatives to cloud and internet services:
Still missing choices for bug/task/project/todo tracking and translation, unfortunately.
Canadians, Mexicans and Europeans can make a massive impact to America's tourism industry if we all decide to stop visiting
Canadian toothbrushes, from Nada, arrived today. Also, the teal/light blue one is somewhere.
Either way, no more Oral-B (being American, owned by P&G)
[ #BuyCanadian #ABA ]
It should be clear by now.
If you wouldn’t visit North Korea, Israel, or Iran don’t come to the US
#BuyCanadian #BuyEU
#BuyChinese #BuyMexican