My game Dice Pyramid is the deal of the day on The Game Crafter!
Note: customs when buying from outside the US might be high.
Boosts appreciated
#BoardGame #MintTinGame
My game Dice Pyramid is the deal of the day on The Game Crafter!
Note: customs when buying from outside the US might be high.
Boosts appreciated
#BoardGame #MintTinGame
Happy birthday to #MichaelNyman, #botd in 1944!
An author of a book "Experimental Music: Cage and Beyond", very much into distinguishing between #experimentalMusic and the #avantgarde. ;)
I got a few #BoardGame plays in tonight.
First, the first game to hit 12 plays this year in my 12x12 is #Earth. No surprise there as since I picked it up earlier in the year, it's been a constant at the table.
Then, Linds and I played #ScholarsOfTheSouthTigris for the 4th time this year. I think it finally clicked for her bc she beat me pretty bad.
I have seen this game called Mancala, Ouaré, Awele, and Kalah. I've seen it marketed under the name Arcana. I've heard it referred to as being either African or Mesopotamian in origin. I've seen
️ What's: A libre Mahjong game in its solitaire variant
#LinuxGaming #ShareYourGames #Flagship #BoardGame #Assembly #Mahjong
️ #Libre #Arch #RPM #Deb #Flatpak #Snap
Our entry:
️ Update: 48.0
Signific. vers.
️ Changes:
️ From:
After four years on the shelf, I've brought Color Space back. It's better than ever! I'm excited to get this game out in the world. Check out my design journal entry on the New and Improved™ Color Space. #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamedesign
Letztes Wochenende hab ich mal den Terra Mystica Nach-Nachfolger Age of Innovation kennengelernt. Das ist schon ziemlich krasses Zeug, aber ich glaube ich würde auch gerne mal das "Original" kennen lernen.
Illustrations and concept art for the unreleased third "Yōkai Quest" board game expansion: Eel Attack. A game set in a fantastic feudal Japan, in which the heroes will face an assault of ferocious marine creatures and legendary monsters.
Illustrations and concept art for the unreleased third "Yōkai Quest" board game expansion: Eel Attack. A game set in a fantastic feudal Japan, in which the heroes will face an assault of ferocious marine creatures and legendary monsters.
Aventura Cooperativa na Terra-média: Galápagos Lança “O Senhor dos Anéis – A Sociedade do Anel: O Jogo de Vazas” #boardgame #cooperativo #galápagos #jogodecartas #osenhordosanéis #terramédia
Life is better when you're laughing
Je vends une boite de #Warhammer 40K Macragge.
C'est l'idéal si vous cherchez à débuter en Warhammer, ou/et pour débuter la #peinture de #figurine.
Le jeu est en très bon état : figurines nickel, règles... 40 € + port, négociables si vous me prenez d'autres #jeux
(je vide un peu mes placards). Contactez-moi si intéressés.
Design Milk : Printworks Introduces Chess Set for New Yorker Centennial #ChristophNiemann #graphicdesign #accessories #newyorkcity #boardgames #Printworks #Lifestyle #accessory #boardgame #NewYorker #chessset #chess #games #Main #game
Nouveau jeu à découvrir à la ludothèque ! Coopérez pour voguer en toute tranquillité et atteindre votre destination !
Having provided years of #BoardGame nerd service with #TwilightImperium (Fourth Edition), the same hosts are now officially putting their focus on @LederGames #Arcs and the #BlightedReach.
#ROMPPodcast is hosted by Matt Martens and Hunter Donaldson, who love these games and are great at well-informed deep dives. Several meaty episodes released already!
Two powerful Spirits, a good match up.
I do love that #SpiritIsland is frequently "this is getting way out of control, how are we going to do this", and then suddenly "oh! we got strong enough that we did it!", and the threshold is often not easy to see coming.
That tense balance is a sign of good #CoOperative #BoardGame #GameDesign, in my opinion.
Played most of a game of Spirit Island with a friend on Sunday, but only got around to finishing out the game by myself tonight. Turns out we only had to finish out the round, then start the next round to win.
The setup:
The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia, Level 1
Myself: Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island, a slow utility spirit that takes presence from other spirits to grow, eventually giving back energy, extra presence, and free major powers in return.
My friend: Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, a fear-focused spirit that takes lone invaders to a void to generate fear.
I played inferno, and it was not the worse, but also we forgot about one aspect of the game so it didn't help.