Good morning.
12 March 2025
My old desk has a keyboard tray, but I prefer to type with the keyboard in my lap and my legs propped up on the desk's edge. This morning, after spending several minutes crafting a paragraph, I placed the keyboard back in its tray and stepped away to feed the dogs. When I returned, I grabbed the keyboard, and as I lifted it, one of the keys struck the desk—poof, just like that, my work disappeared. At least it gave me something else to ramble about. Back when I worked, I did some coding and writing, so I know the importance of backing up regularly and even backing up the backup. Despite that, I still write directly in the app. Maybe I should start composing in a word processor... but nah, that would make far too much sense.
"Backups are for wimps. Real men upload their data to an FTP site and have everyone else mirror it." - Linus Torvalds
Food Fight!
Birds can be quite messy eaters, especially woodpeckers and blue jays like this one, energetically tossing seeds aside in search of their favorite morsel. For both species, that favorite is often a peanut, though my mix also includes almonds and raisins, which might catch their interest. It’s fascinating to watch just how selective they can be!
If you're enchanted by images of blue jays and other captivating corvids, dive into my photo gallery for a visual treat!
I thought that whenever I don’t have specific art to share, it’s time to post art about Canada. FOR REASONS.
I thought I would start, like Confederation, in PEI. The symbols of Prince Edward Island, its provincial bird, the blue jay and its tree, the red oak cover the hand-carved map of PEI in this linocut. 1/n
Went outside this morning to the sound of a red shouldered #hawk overhead. Searching the sky and then treetops revealed nothing. Finally spotted a smaller #bird going from treetop to treetop and saw it making the sound. It was a #bluejay. Turned on soundID on my Merlin bird app and it identified it as a red shouldered hawk. Fooled Merlin! (and me)
Peanut Drop Drama
In the soft light of early morning, the crisp air brims with quiet anticipation. A blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) perches on the edge of a weathered wooden bird feeder, its vibrant plumage—a striking blend of blue, black, and white—standing out against the pale sky. Clutching a prized peanut, hard-won from the feeder, the bird seems momentarily triumphant. But in an instant of distraction—perhaps caught off guard by the presence of a watchful photographer—the peanut slips from its beak, tumbling toward the ground below. Oops.
If you're enchanted by images of blue jays and other captivating corvids, dive into my photo gallery for a visual treat!
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a Blue Jay in our yard. He seems happy with the return of Spring temperatures.
While awaiting THE "blue bird of happiness", lo and behold, close enough!
Blue Jay
SW Florida
More bird photography on my own site and a large, easy to view Flickr album (link below)
“The best seebs, are the seebs of hope and #Resistance”… - #BlueJay
Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) #NorthAmericanBirds | #BlueJay #CyanocittaCristata | #Jays #CrestedJays #CrowFamily #PerchingBirds
#birdsoftheworld #birds
The blue jays are big fluffs today. They are also ready for spring training today?
Blue Jay with a Treat
This morning, there were many birds around as Charlie and I sat outside. It was sunny, but the temperature was chilly enough to send a shiver down my spine. I wore a sweatshirt and probably should have added a coat. A bold blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) visited us, foraging through the bird seed for at least a couple of minutes. In my experience, blue jays aren't really grazers.
"If you're enchanted by images of blue jays and other captivating corvids, dive into my photo gallery for a visual treat!"
I shoveled even though it is still sleeting pretty hard because I wanted the birds to have seeds. This blue jay is looking soggy, but probably glad for a meal. #BirdsOfMastodon #SunflowerSeeds #BlueJay