Hello everyone, how's it going? We're outside this evening making some final preparations for the bees arriving on Friday. The redbud tree is really brightening up one side of the yard. Then we also installed chicken wire so Pixie stops eating the lettuce in the raised bed.
The backyard work never ends, but it's much more enjoyable than my actual paying work.
Well I better clean up for dinner. Have a wonderful evening friends!
Break from non-stop doom-scrolling (all there seems to be in the news). Leptosiphon sp. — aka baby stars and Collinsia sparsiflora blue-eyed Mary. Northern CA — Napa county. #bloomscrolling
Blossom walk (in the outfit photo, you can see that none of my pinks are actually matching [curse you, fading hair dye!], so please just pretend that they are :p) #BloomScrolling
The weird and wonderful flowers of an echeveria succulent, now in bloom.
31/03/2025 - Today's photo from my evening walk is of yellow archangel (subsp. argentatum) dumped and a little unloved by the side of a quiet road.
Warm this evening. Our pace was slow. I was just dawdling along, in no rush. The bird song was just lovely. I watched a couple of treecreepers climbing up a tree, just magic. I've read the collective noun is a spiral of treecreepers, which I think is pretty perfect.
@Av8rdan (unfortunately I think you have me on full mute so you’re missing my #aviation, #bloomscrolling and #photography (aka #fujifilm in my case) posts)
Spring pink — plumage from northern magnolia and flowering cherry trees.
Went for a wander round Shirehampton and Sea Mills today. First bluebell of the year (for me) and lots of sloe blossom. I think there had been a very high tide recently too #bloomscrolling #bristol
You can buy a lot of joy for $3.16. Just sayin.
The Dutch have a reputation for sharp dealing, but when the nurseryman’s card reader failed, he insisted I just take them. I walked to the cottage, gathered loose Euro coins from pockets and family, and walked back. He was happily surprised to see me.
But I knew that we would all enjoy them more knowing we came by them honestly, and that they came so cheap.
. . .
Life unfolded in such a way,
that it left nothing to do or say,
but to let the tides take their time,
washing away the past of our lives.
~ Iva
"Clarity of Life" from my poetry book "Life is a remembrance"
When you listen to someone telling you a story, you take a journey into a world of legend, mythology and folklore powered by imagination.
I’m sneaking in one last symmetry themed shot before Glass’s March featured tag comes to an end. In this case a particularly pretty tulip growing on the grass verge near the main entrance to the @maynoothuni north campus. We have doubled three-fold symmetry. Three big petals off-set from three small ones with a nice red strip for a little extra pizazz! #bloomscrolling
My filters here on #Mastodon are growing by the day. There is an increasing list of things I do not care to read about here. All of these topics are important, but I need to protect my mental health with every tool and method I can find.
I really REALLY do not want to get off this platform. Please post what you need to post and I will just let my filters do the work.
#airplanes, #aviation, cat and doggo pics, #bloomscrolling, #photography, #PNW etc? Keep it coming.