#YouTube #Adblock
A caça as bruxas parece que vai subir de nível, o YouTube começa a testar implementação de DRM nos vídeos.

#YouTube #Adblock
A caça as bruxas parece que vai subir de nível, o YouTube começa a testar implementação de DRM nos vídeos.
Fighting for the open web by David Revoy @davidrevoy
Firefox versus Chrome
Download full image:
#firefox #chrome #opensource #ublock #adblock
Block ADS On The Internet For Your Entire Family
If you've been forced to use Chrome at work because of a bad app selection that doesn't allow non-Chrome browsers.
[Archive — 2016] Anti-AdBlock
Le genre de BD qui pourrait tellement devenir réalité si les marketeux avaient l'idée de relier les télés connectées à la domotique…
Lire cette BD : https://grisebouille.net/anti-adblock/
Le livre best of : https://editions.ptilouk.net/gb10ans
Soutien : https://ptilouk.net/#soutien
An exploratory fly-by of Pi-Hole 6
「 Pi-hole takes over as your network's name server, and silently redirects all web requests to known ad-server addresses to a DNS sinkhole. Everything else is passed upstream to the public DNS server of your choice. Only requests for ads silently fail, and the rest of the page loads as normal. The result is you see fewer ads 」
Pi-hole takes over as your network's name server, and silently redirects all web requests to known ad-server addresses to a DNS sinkhole. Everything else is passed upstream to the public DNS server of your choice.
#pihole #network #adblock
Je cherche à bloquer le "explore" de Mastodon parce que j’ai tendance à aller y voir des trucs que je n’ai pas envie de voir.
Vous avez une idée de règle #ublock pour bloquer juste cette partie de mastodon ? (sur mon instance).
Daily reminder: They don’t use cookies to "enhance your experience" — they use them to stalk you #ad #ads #cookies #adblock #adblocker
Wer jetzt noch #Google #Chrome als #Browser nutzt, dem ist wirklich nicht mehr zu helfen.
#Datenschutz #Spam #Adblock #uBlock
Chrome räumt auf: Tausende Browser-Erweiterungen fliegen raus
uBlock Origin & Co.: Google setzt Chrome-Erweiterungen außer Betrieb
„Google hat damit begonnen, Chrome-Erweiterungen zu deaktivieren, die von ihren Entwicklern noch nicht auf das neue Manifest V3 aktualisiert wurden.“
Und #firefox verändert sich auch
"Nach Chrome deaktiviert nun auch in Edge ungefragt die Adblocker einiger Nutzer. Dabei hat Microsoft für diesen Schritt nicht einmal einen Zieltermin genannt."
Ja, ja. Ich empfehle Portmaster. Dann ist der Browser egal.
Hab endlich eine Lösung für mein #YouTube Problem gefunden. Eigentlich will ich weg davon, aber da hilft zur Zeit nur ein Kompromiss. Werbung blocke ich überall, wo es geht, aber in der App war bisher nichts zu machen. Lösung: Weg mit der App; Webbrowser mit #Adblock nutzen und von YouTube eine Verknüpfung zum Startbildschirm erstellen. Fühlt sich fast wie die App an - nur ohne Werbung. (Andere Apps wie Newpipe kann ich leider nicht nutzen)
@linux_pl Ktoś z was bawił się hBlockiem*? Jak to się sprawdza w porównaniu z uBlockiem (poza tym, że działa system-wide, a nie tylko w jednej przeglądarce)?
* „hBlock is a POSIX-compliant shell script that gets a list of domains that serve ads, tracking scripts and malware from multiple sources and creates a hosts file, among other formats, that prevents your system from connecting to them.”
Why Do You Prefer LibreWolf Over #Brave?
The community often debates privacy-focused browsers. LibreWolf removes telemetry and trackers, while Brave offers built-in ad blocking and crypto features. Some say LibreWolf is more transparent and respects privacy better. Others prefer Brave for convenience. What’s your take? Why do you choose LibreWolf over Brave?
On Linux I've tried/used the following browsers to replace Firefox:
- Zen (Firefox)
- Floorp (Firefox)
- Librewolf (Firefox)
- Vivaldi (chromium)
For the last several months I've been using Floorp and am happy with it. I use Librewolf for accessing Meta.
On Android I've used Firefox for day to day and Waterfox for accessing Meta.
IANAL: my concern is how much of the new Mozilla TOS is directly applicable to Firefox forks.
The new TOS reads like Mozilla is legally allowed to 'tee' anything you upload to their own information horde, including anything binary.
Also, something I've noticed is that sometimes when Mozilla upstream makes TOS/marketing/affiliate changes via about:config changes those changes get pushed downstream and if the downstream team misses it in the rush to get the new version out the door you may end up with these settings re-enabled.
I tried Vivaldi yesterday. Ad blocking isn't sufficient to use it as a daily driver browser. Unusable for me.
Eyes to the future for open source browser engines.