I remember trying to buy a TV that does not have "smart" functionality a few years ago. It was a chore. Today it seems impossible.
And not just TVs: ovens; refrigerators; dishwashers — all have "smart" options. In fact, it seems that more and more the available non-smart models are only the simpler ones, less performant in ways that are not related to any smart functionality missing.
My non-smart TV was available only with lower resolutions than "smart" models of the same brand.
This really annoys me. I am too well aware of security implications of smart devices.
I do not want to have to manage regular software updates for whatever number of appliances I have at home, or risk somebody using them in a botnet (or worse).
And no, I don't trust their "disable WiFi" menu options either. Seen this setting get enabled without my consent too many times.
I *could* put them on a special VLAN, but 99% of people can't. That's a problem, and not just for them.
@rysiek Even if Wi-Fi is enabled, smart TVs can't connect to the Internet unless someone actually keys in their Wi-Fi password, no?
@ocdtrekkie can't find the source right now, but there was at least one case of a major ISP, I think in the USA, that deployed home WiFi routers that created a special secret WiFi networks that were not controlled by their users. They were there for other customers of the company to have WiFi away from home, so to speak.
So yeah, people should not trust their routers either.
@rysiek @ocdtrekkie Comcast, I believe.
There's also Amazon Sidewalk.
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