I love Project Gutenbeeeeerg
Over 75k free ebooks! I download ebooks from them regularly.
@noellemitchell Me too! I picked up the habit a decade ago, working in a stultifying phone center job handling customer service calls. The last great one I read was the recently-public domain original English translation of ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT, which was harrowing, but excellent.
What's your last-read great PG ebook? I'll check it out!
@noellemitchell @clew also check out https://standardebooks.org/ — they're amazingly well-formatted; the whole project is a labor of love.
@noellemitchell Is this available in Canada?
@noellemitchell I got one not long ago to do with wireless telegraphy and telephony, as talked about circa 1915. An interesting read, so far anyway.