@lowqualityfacts Why does that feel true?
@lowqualityfacts so says the electorate
"that is oddly the same as the amount of Americans who do not know who one or more of their parents are" - a geometrically devious Venn Circle
@lowqualityfacts it would explain so much! Travel & seeing new things. New experiences and to get an appreciation for more than yourself
Nothing more closed minded than voting for #orangemenace
Not really when you think about it.
Throughout History people only really left their home towns due to emergency or being conscripted into military service.
Would love to know what this same statistic is when you expand it to the entire world. Or expand it to over time.
It’s because of the creatures in the surrounding woods who sneak into our villages at night to paint the doors red as a warning.
@lowqualityfacts The township never leaves them.
@lowqualityfacts I don't think this is how it's being interpreted. I can see that 61% have never moved from the municipality (usually county--some states have sub county entities, but very few have townships). In New Jersey, this would be virtually impossible. There are 565 municipalities. You can blow through seven in an hour.