Dumb is good, but not dumb Is also good. 10/10
@lowqualityfacts not being renowned for their jovial demeanor, the government had to employ vast numbers to enforce this change in the law. A reduction in unemployment numbers and generous overtime payments made most of the population extremely happy indeed. A Fin Fin situation.
@lowqualityfacts Some religions basically do this, so not such a low quality fact.
@profdc9 @lowqualityfacts TIL Finnish is a religion
@lowqualityfacts They are the most law abiding country, after all.
Don't think it'd work here
@lowqualityfacts When sorrow is criminalized, only criminals will be sorry.
@lowqualityfacts Finland is the happiest country in the world because they have more Metal bands per capita than any other country in the world
Yet the ennui still lingers
@lowqualityfacts You're thinking of Funland.
That sounds very plausible, but nobody knows for sure if this is the case, because around the same time they started raking all their forests.
So it's very likely that having neatly raked underbush is causing all the happiness.
And I'm not the only one saying this. In fact many experts are saying so. It's quite beautiful, really. It's huge.