If you've wondered what the rainbow pentagon thing is on here, it's the Fediverse logo
It's a public domain design, you can use it for any purpose, there's a high quality copy at:
Technically there can never be an official logo as there's no central authority on the Fediverse, but this is by far the most widely used symbol of this place.
It represents all the different kinds of servers that make up this shared network. (More info: https://fedi.tips/what-other-kinds-of-servers-are-on-the-fediverse/)
@feditips The image name says proposal... who decides anyway?
No one decides as there is no central authority, that's why there will never be an "official" one.
But is probably the closest we will get to an official one as it is so widely used.
@feditips again this "closest"... if there can't be one, there shouldn't even be the . Even the icon is called fediverse. It's not fair to all other artist who would like to "propose" a fediverse logo. The second is, that this logo clearly looks like satanism symbol and therefore can be a reason why some could avoid using the fediverse.
But again: If there can't be an official symbol it's totally unfair that one claims \:fediverse\: as icon name.
To be clear, I just mean is the most commonly used symbol, so it's the one people are most likely to have questions about.
If you want to use a different symbol, or no symbol at all, the beauty of the Fediverse is that you can do so. There's no one giving branding instructions or controlling trademarks or anything.