Democracy scares American fascists to death. They know full well their cis-white-Christian world is a minority, and growing more so.
And they hate it. They know how *they* treat minorities, and depending on others to be better than them -- though a low bar -- is not a risk they can manage.
@fatsam When you've had hegemony, equality feels like oppression.
@fatsam I think that you've hit upon something important: they fear being treated the way they treat others
@fatsam Little do they comprehend that those who celebrate diversity are defacto better than them. Racists are racists because they can't keep up. I grew up white in rural Oklahoma and met a lot of racists (many in my own family) Not a one of them had two brain cells to rub together. They were gullible and dumb af, desperately going from one get rich quick scheme to another and always blaming others when they failed.
@fatsam I think there may be a lot of truth in this.
@fatsam Americans in general aren't really fond of the idea of voting for the candidate you prefer.
I have had Democrats threaten to punch me simply because I as a non-voting non-citizen went to a Ralph Nader speech in 2000.
And every election we see this meme: "A vote for [third party candidate] is a vote for [Republican]", which I can say as a mathematician who's studied voting systems is simply wrong.
@fatsam @lisamelton I definitely hear this from some extended family.