So far Labour's plans to start to resolve the crisis in NHS dental care don't seem to be really gaining traction... and, in any case even if they were the extra appointments funded by the new patient premium would not even return the number of NHS dental appointments to the level even five years ago.
Something more radical is required; and one way or the other it will involve a lot of money!
But without prompt action the crisis will only worsen!
Lack of decent oral hygiene/care costs NHS £Bn's treating subsequent illness/disease
My plan
Free education & training for dentists & nurses, payback is work for NHS for 6 yr
NHS run dentist surgeries in areas w 2k+ pop
Reintroduce free dental care
Mobile NHS teams tackle worst areas
Reintroduce dental visits to schools, dispensing free dental care items
100% TAX on all sugar added drinks
Free fruit at schools
Paid via strategic investment over 10+ yr
Return = healthy population
@Sine_Nomine @ChrisMayLA6 All good stuff - some of which would be dealt with by reintroducing a fully funded, full time School Nursing service in all schools.
@MikeFromLFE @ChrisMayLA6
#UK not even spending #eu average on health/capita
1 #austria €5421
12 #UK €3154
We should commit to higher spending/capita
a society w an unhealthy population is a liability not an asset
UK govt expenditure is under 50% of gdp
We can spend more & still not "ruin" the economy
Protecting the nation is the core objective of govt, Not protecting national health is failing that goal
Healthy is a right, not a privilege
Yupo, all good points (again).... we seem to want to have a European-like welfare state, but don't want to pay European levels of taxation to support it; allied to a political class who often seem unable to arrange a piss-up in brewery!
@ChrisMayLA6 @Sine_Nomine @MikeFromLFE
If you tax the churches and the 1%, you will have enough money to cover most of the major social benefits people in many European countries have.