2/ LOL!
Via Rupar:
Newsmax: "This correction is overdue. Nothing to do with Trump. Nothing to do with tariffs."
that's GD funny... gaslighting the rubes and marks the rest of us aren't dumb enough to watch that shit.
@tdwllms1 I know right
@GottaLaff Nothing happens in a way that reflects poorly on Dear Leader.
@virtualbri @GottaLaff terrifying that people fall for this obvious authoritarian bullshit, but they do!
@GottaLaff Quite a marketplace where someone driving a bulldozer through it is a trivial factor.
Lol those gosh darn Bidenomics!
@GottaLaff this is the entire rest of the planet dis-investing from the USA because of tariffs, and space nazis.
Also for dis-mantling of huge parts of the federal government designed for product safety, honest dealings in contracts, and breaking ALL the treaties.
@GottaLaff it's all Biden's fault. no wait.... it's Obama's fault.. no wait.. it's Clinton's fault... no wait... it's all Jimmy Carter's fault.. he did this.
@jodmentum @GottaLaff I mean, f'in Jimmy Carter died rather than face the consequences of his actions. How cowardly is that? Unlike our brave leader!
@GottaLaff Actually, the market is overvalued. Trump set it in motion sooner with his stupidity, but it would have happened anyway.
@zimmatore Not the point though
This level of uniform messaging and propaganda by Republicans is intimidating. It sure seems to have intimidated Senate Democrats into passing a ruinous budget that will give more of Congress's power to an unprecedentedly destructive President.
@GottaLaff Sure, the S&P needed a correction, but this is the "reacting to a ridiculous, self-inflicted wound" correction.
Something for the folks who voted for #DonnieDumbass b/c he's supposedly such a "great businessman":
The #DOW close on the final Friday before the inauguration: 43,478.83
DOW close today: 40,813.81
A loss of 2,665.02 (6.1% in just 53 days.)
#TrumpRecession #Jenius
@GottaLaff This is a correction of the notion that Trump is good for the economy.
@RowinSpeez Well said
@GottaLaff I'm tired of winning.
@GottaLaff Who could have thought that pissing on his allies might have consequences...
And doing the same over and over again stops working at some point. The tariff thingy gets boring and noone wants to play that game again.
Worse still is the ridiculous gaslighting about what's going on . It really pisses
me off.