"... or upstairs sleeping, I'm not sure which."
Completely gratuitous & utterly unprofessional.
Anyone questioning Trump's #PressSec's commitment to providing the public & the press with essential, helpful, informative & accurate messaging definitely has good reason to do so.
@ginaintheburg Lol, but you're acting as if it would have ever been anything but this way.
He never wants press secretaries, he wants liars and mouthpieces, lapdogs. Informative? Seriously? Unprofessional? No shit.
Did you have other expectations?
Yeah, no, I never expected anything better from Trump or his coterie.
I do, however, expect much, much better from federal officials charged with serving the country, the people, the Constitution and American democracy - whose survival and success depend on easily publicly available truthful information respectfully & objectively obtained and conveyed.
@ginaintheburg No, I know you didn't, but when you say that you expected better, look who you're talking about here.
I never expected better. I got what I expected.
Sad but true - one's expectations can never be too low when it comes to Trump & today's #GOP.
@ginaintheburg Sadly.
They are the rock bottom, seriously. There should only be expectations of vile, toxic actions.